A downloadable game for Windows

During a routine mission, your ship was damaged by space debris.

Despite your best efforts, you crash-land on a desolate planet, where temperatures reach ridiculous heights in the daytime.

Locate and return your scattered ship parts to the launchpad, while avoiding the heat of the unforgiving sun.

Single Player
Support for Keyboard or Game-pad:
Move - WASD <> Left Stick
Action - Spacebar <> A
Restart - Escape <> Start
Quit - Ctrl + Q <> Back

Made in Unity for ICT Game Jam Summer 2018

Jason Voegeli - Complain about Unity Canvas
Jim Rice - Complain about Blender
Seth Brown - Complain about Quaternions
Special Thanks to Bitbucket support

* Early Access - May contain bugs and or unfinished content


GameJam2018.zip 29 MB


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Really enjoyed this! Simple but really cool to look at! It's the second game in the video :)

That's awesome. The shine of the oncoming sun or moon is really pretty too.